Not that I plan to do so (very often, at least) - I have better ways to spend my time - I'm just hoping that you do too. I have tried to price the plugin reasonably and make the registration process as painless as possible, so I'd appreciate it if you return the favor by not trying to con additional serial codes from me on false pretenses ('I need new codes because the other one was my temporary code.' There are always special-case situations where I need to make allowances (as well as for new versions of C4D), but keep in mind that I have the ability to query Maxon about the validity of licenses if I think I'm being duped. I am an independent developer, trying to put food on the table and pay my bills. For products or edds that are available without logging in to an account, this privacy policy applies to these products and services as of May 25, 2018. In any event - and on a more personal note - noone is getting rich on plugin development. The Pro version was based on the feature-set of version 1.

I have also set up the serial codes to work with either 'temporary' or 'permanent' Cinema 4D serial codes, so you will not need to get a new one from me once you get your permanent codes from Maxon. Riptide Pro V2.5 for R11 R12 R13 Riptide Pro is the commercial version of my popular (and free) Riptide Wavefront.obj file Import/Export plugin NOTE: Starting with v1.7, Riptide Pro can also Import/Export.mdd files.